We started the morning with a visit to Dr. Jeanfreau - he increased Harry's diabetes medicine - Harry is on a lot of steroids and that increases his blood sugar.
Next we saw Dr. Black, his oncologist.. He is putting Harry on Chemotherapy in pill form until he can get a port put back in.. We see the surgeon on Tuesday. The original port was removed back in October because of an infection. It is a simple surgery - Harry came through it with flying colors last time and I suspect it will be the same.. last time we went in at noon and were home before 5pm. After that Harry will get half doses of chemotherapy while he is on radiation therapy then probably a full dose.
And last we saw Dr. Schuette - his pulmonologist. He explained that this new round of cancer is really an extension of the first diagnosis but had not grown to sufficient sizes to be identified. What has reappeared is all in the lymph nodes and they are in the same area as the previous ones - so it has not spread beyond chest and is really a part of the same disease that existed the first time. So there are new tumors - none of it is as big as the first treatment area and all in the lymph nodes.
Both of us walked out of this long day with a much better feeling about this whole new round. It is still serious and all of us are hoping that the cancer responds like it did the first time and if it does - great! If the cancer does not respond then the prognosis is not so good. But we are going to be optimistic that the cancer will respond to treatment as it did before..
So thank you for your prayers and support...
And a personal note.. Bobby West.. rest in peace - you will be missed..