Monday, October 20, 2008

Surgery Went Great

Harry had surgery this morning to remove his bard port. When they removed it they found liquid around it and they are doing a culture to see if it was causing the infection. I am not sure how we move forward from this - but the surgeon - told me about a couple of things they could do but putting a port back in the same place is not an option at least right now. He was resting comfortably with his cousin sitting with him when I left around 1pm.

As for the swallowing and pain, it is still pretty bad and at some point this week they will be doing another endoscopy to find out what else is going on besides the swelling from the esophagitis that was caused by the 35 radiation treatments. They told me today that not only is his esophagus is swollen but he is also having spasms in the lower portion of the same. He was however able to eat some pudding last night without choking and it was actually easier than the water he has been drinking.

We have no idea how long this is going to take, whether or not he will have another port put in or just a central line. We do know they are saying he won't go home until he can eat. So pray for all of this swelling to go away. He is in remarkable spirit for all he has been through and that helps me get through the day.

Thanks to all of you for your concern, love and prayers.. we appreciate all of them. I will post more when I know more..

Love to all

Mona and Harry

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