Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday, Oct 14th

Some Good New! Harry was able to eat a little at lunch and dinner yesterday. He did say it was backing up a little this morning... I hope that is just because he is not used to eating anymore and that it will lessen as the days go on. They are having a terrible time regulating his blood sugars because of the TPN, which I think is leading to the sweating problem, however we made it through the night before we had to change the bed. He showered this morning - so that was good. Yesterday they also did a CT Scan of his brain and another chest xray. The scan we believe was because since Sunday his left leg and hand have been shaking - not consistently but he is not controlling it, I do not have the results at this time - being at work all day I miss the doctors. Dr. Black did go by yesterday and told him not to plan on going home soon. I am not sure what that means but hopefully a doctor will pass one day when I am there.. Anyway that is the latest. Thanks again for all the prayers.



frantic said...

Talk to the 'Case Manager', an RN, who is a liaison between the patient, the doctor, the hospital and insurance company etc. The job of the case manager is to help the patient and family through the process of hospitalization etc. If you have any questions or anything, the case manager should be able to help you. They can ask the doctor the questions that you want answered and get back to you. Hope this helps.
I helped out in the case manager dept of the hospital where I worked.

Harry Ravain said...

thank you - that is great to know