Friday, May 29, 2009

Benefit - June 14th - Rock N Bowl

Finally - Here is the information on the benefit that will occur after the Poker Run - see other post..

Date: June14, 2009
Time: 3pm - 9pm
Location: Rock N Bowl - New Location - Next to Ye Olde College Inn
3000 S. Carrollton Ave.
Phone: 504-482-3133
Donation: $10 a person
Contact: Alan Reese - 504-888-9586 or 504-289-2167

Performances by the following musicians:
Benny Grunch
Bobby Cure
Earl Stanley
Eddie Powers
Wendy Seigel
Laurin Munch
New Orleans Quarter Notes
Bootsie Cuquet
Kathie Savoie
Gillen (DJ)
Johnny Vindigni
John Blancher
Brennan Manale
Jim Chandler
Wardell Williams
Amazing Dr Z
Ed Peneguy
Paul Ketry
Art Sevin
Bob Eickhorn
Paul Varisco
Dennis Turger
Freddie Staehle
Charlie Miller
Ray Maroone
Henry Hitt
Joe Lovecchio
Louis Capaci
Tommy Morris
Changing Times

Thank you for all your support and especially your prayers..

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