Friday, May 1, 2009

Oral Chemotherapy and Surgery

Harry has been on Oral Chemotherapy for the past 3 days and he seems to be tolerating it very very well. We went out the other night and he has been in the studio some - overall he seems to be doing really well.

Monday morning - Dr. Karlin is putting a new Bard Port in. We have to be there early and he should have the surgery around 9am. I am expecting to be home by early afternoon. He is not looking forward to having one put back in since the last one got infected and had to be taken out, but other than the anxiety - all is good.

Thanks for all the prayers -


1 comment: said...

Harry, Sorry that you have been under the weather. Yoy will be in my prayers.
Just an ole friend and trombone player from Lenny McDaniels era...
Harry Tucker