Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday, Sept 5th

Hello all,

Just thought I would give you an update. Harry had radiation therapy yesterday - it was great to see that all the people who are helping Harry came through the storm ok, we actually missed seeing them.

I thought you should know that Harry spent most of the day writing a song. He has not done that in a while - boy was I glad to see that. He also was taking apart one of the drums he wants to have repainted for the new album cover. He even has a session to cut one track coming up. So since we have returned - he is definitely more active than he has been.

We should hear from the other doctors today or tomorrow and get back into chemo next week.

Thanks for all your prayers - he feels them. And we know that it is working.

Stay safe and we hope all of our friends in South Louisiana are well and home.

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