Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday, September 9th

Well all seems to be going very well. We are about 1/2 way through the radiation therapy. We saw Doctor Black yesterday -the medical oncologist, Harry will have 3 more low dose chemotherapy session and then approximately a 3 week break and then a full round of chemotherapy. We won't know until they take more scans at the end exactly how many more chemotherapy treatments to expect.

We see Dr. Monsour every Monday - they are going to shift the radiation a little to get it away from his spine and esophagus and maybe help his swallowing. Harry has lost about 25 lbs but they do not want him to lose anymore because of his immune system - so we spoke with a nutritionist yesterday. They are happy to let him keep off the 25 but do NOT want him to lose anymore until the treatment is over.

Harry is very happy with the loss though - he is a lot less lethargic and he feels much better.

Harry also recorded with Benny Grunch last night, for a new album in December, it should be great as usual. You can find information on the band at www.bennygrunch.com. Benny has been a true friend to Harry and I both through all of this and we love and appreciate him for that. This was the first time Harry has played drums since he got sick and he tells me it felt great to play.

We have someone coming to look at the roof today - to see if we have any leaking issues and get an estimate of repair - and it looks like we just might escape the wrath of Hurrican IKE. Let's hope it misses Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas completely.

Thanks for the prayer - they are working and we appreciate it ..

Love, Mona & Harry

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