Monday, July 27, 2009

Chemptherapy - giving Harry a run for his money

Harry is doing ok. This chemotherapy is supposed to make you nauseated...and it is living up to its expectation. He has not thrown up but he feels not so good. Hopefully that will start to subside. The physical therapist is supposed to come today and Ms. Lillie also starts with us today.

Harry is very tired and nauseated as I said - so I will post as often as I can to update you. He really is not up to chatting just yet - maybe in a day or 2.

Also our congratulations go out to my Godmother and her Husband they were named Golden King and Queen of the Frog Festival in Rayne Lousisana yesterday - wish we could have been there...Prayers to my Uncle Wilmur - may God's plan for you be revealed as it is supposed to be. And Please say a prayer for Harry's Aunt Ethel - in the hospital with a combination of issues..

Love to all
I will post again later..


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