Sunday, July 12, 2009

Our Nephew Andrew, Niece Kaylin and Harry

Andrew came to visit us this weekend from Texas. He's our nephew that graduated from High School in June. He and Harry did lots and lots of work on all the drum sets in the house. He lifted Harry's spirits, found things I could have never found in a million years and made today a great day at our house.

Yesterday we went to Jack Dempsey's for lunch then took a ride down to the parish (St. Bernard) to see the Islenos Museum. You see my family is directly descendant of Juan de Alleman that came over on the 3 boats sent by Spain from the Canary Islands to America.

My niece Kaylin - is doing great and may be released from the hospital today. -

So Harry is doing good - hoping that the injection helps him get some strength back and Dr. S finds a way to beat this thing for a while longer..

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